
Cemintel Aspect Cladding

Cemintel Aspect Cladding

Cemintel Aspect Cladding® displays a distinctive horizontal ship-lapped joint, while providing a classic, attractive facade.

The wider panel and interlocking joint mean fewer fixings than traditional weatherboards and no visible face fixings, providing a clean, modern finish.

Cemintel Aspect Cladding® is available with direct or cavity fixing options.

  • Displays a distinctive horizontal ship-lapped joint, while providing a classic, attractive façade
  • Wider panel and interlocking joint means less fixings than traditional weatherboards
  • No visible face fixings provide a clean, modern finish
  • Available with direct or cavity fixing options

Fibre cement and lightweight composite solution specialists, focused on a fresh, intuitive approach to lightweight façades, building solutions and feature walls.

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