
Fruit Tree Pollination Guide

Thursday August 12th, 2021

The key to growing fruit trees that really produce is pollination.

When selecting a bare-rooted fruit tree, it is important to keep in mind that many fruit trees require a pollinator. Some trees are self-fertile, meaning that they do not require any other trees to produce fruit. Peach, nectarine, and apricot trees are self-fertile and great options for those with smaller planting areas.

If possible, it is still a great idea to purchase at least two trees, even if they are self-fertile, as this will give you the best chance to enjoy an abundance of delicious fruit!

Other varieties of fruit trees, especially apples and pears, require a pollinator to produce fruit. The easiest way to choose your trees is to choose your favourite variety and then find a compatible pollinator from the list below that you will also enjoy. For optimal pollination, plant your trees 4-6m away from one another.

Remember that bare-rooted trees are dormant in winter, so patience is key!

List of Compatible Pollinators

Golden DeliciousRed Delicious, Granny Smith, Jonathon, Coxes Orange Pippin
GalaGranny Smith, Red Delicious, Red Fuji, Pink Lady
Granny SmithGolden Delicious, Gala, Jonathon, Coxes Orange Pippin, Pink Lady
JonagoldRed Fuji, Red Delicious, Gala, Granny Smith
SundownerGala, Red Delicious
GravensteinGolden Delicious, Sturmer, Crofton
JonathonMutsu, Granny Smith, Golden Delicious, Red Delicious
Pink LadyGranny Smith, Red Delicious, Gala, Red Fuji
Red FujiRed Delicious, Golden Delicious, Mutsu, Pink Lady, Sturmer, Jonathon
Red DeliciousGolden Delicious, Granny Smith, Fuji, Pink Lady, Gala
Williams20th Century, Winter Nelis, Beurre Bosc, Comice
Winter ColeWilliams, Buerre Bosc
PackhamsJosephine, Winter Nellis
Buerre BoscWilliams, 20th Century, Winter Nelis
Kosui20th Century, Hosui, Cho Juro, Buerre Bosc
Shin SuiHosui, Shin Sui, Williams, Kosui, Cho Juro
20th CenturyWilliams Beurre Bosc, Josephine
JosephinePackhams, Winter Nelis
BingFlorence, Van, Blackboy, Stella, Williams Favourite
NapoleonFlorence, Stella, Williams Favourite, Blackboy
BlackboyFlorence, Napoleon, Lambert, Stella, Williams Favourite
StellaSelf-fertile, universal pollinator
LapinsSelf-fertile, universal pollinator
Japanese Plums
FriarSanta Rose, Blackamber
MariposaSanta Rosa, Satsuma
BlackamberFriar, Santa Rosa
Tegan BlueSanta Rosa
SatsumaSanta Rosa
FrontierSanta Rosa
DonsworthSanta Rosa
Elephant HeartSanta Rosa, Wickson
WicksonSanta Rosa, Mariposa
European Japanese Plums
Stanley PruneSelf-fertile
Purple GageSelf-fertile
AngelinaPresident, King Billy
PresidentAngelina, King Billy
Green GageCoe’s Golden Drop, Prune, Damson, Golden Gage
Coe’s Golden DropGreen Gage, Golden Drop, Prune, Damson
Coe’s Golden GageGreen Gage, Golden Drop, Prune, Damson 
King BillyPresident, Angelina

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