
Monday November 1st, 2021
Clennett's Mitre 10 Movember team

The Clennett’s Mitre 10 team are joining Movember to raise funds and awareness for all the dads, brothers, sons and mates in our lives!

We are super excited to get behind such an amazing cause to make a positive impact on men’s mental health, suicide prevention, prostate cancer and testicular cancer.

Throughout the month of Movember, our Mo Bros and Mo Sisters will be growing a mo (if possible) and MO-ving at least 60 KM this month for the 60 men we lose each hour of every day.

Please support this worthy cause and make a donation here. All money raised will go towards research & innovation in world-class men’s health projects.

Buy a mow, help a bro

Mitre 10 Mowvember

When you buy a @Makita, @YardForce or @Masport mower* between 1 October to 30 November, we’ll donate $20 to Movember.

Share your mowed lawn or your mo with #mightymovember #mowforabro

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